Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Day 3 - We Go to Work

Originally, we were going to volunteer at CSI Roatan, an incredible orphanage on the island that is well run by Brad and Debbie. However Brad is just back from the States fresh from a hip replacement and Debbie is actually in the States with their daughter who is expecting any day. While we visited Brad briefly we were most impressed with a young student from Florida State University that has given up six months to live in Honduras and volunteer with CSI Roatan. Citing that God wants her to be there she dropped her courses and is truly giving back. We moved on to the Roatan Childrens Home where the gentleman we were supposed to meet was in Kansas undergoing rotator cuff surgery. Though no one speaks English we still have a wonderful time meeting the children and spending time with them. We brought several gifts rangings from Dr. Seuss books to dental floss to clothes and the kids love them all. The kids are precious and many of them can be found online here. Daysi is quite the reader, Sibelis the drama queen, Santiago is the man, Helen is Cinderella, Avner is the stud, John's our boy and Victor is simply Victor. It is almost better that we visit the Roatan Childrens Home as the confines are modest and resources limited. Our gifts stretch further and the three ladies running the orphanage gladly welcome a break and return to cooking, cleaning and sewing. Power breaks on the island are frequent so outdoor activities are the norm.

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